Ursa Frontier Platform Pricing

The Ursa Frontier Platform charges based on usage. Pay only for what you use. There are no minimum charges. Pricing subject to change at any time without notice.


Data Generation  
First 100 Billion $0.0519 per 1,000,000 triples
Over 100 Billion $0.0493 per 1,000,000 triples
Data Storage  
First 30 TiB/Month1 $0.0810 per GB
Over 30 TiB/Month $0.0750 per GB
Data Egress  
First 10 TiB/Month $0.1350 per GB
Next 40 TiB/Month $0.1283 per GB
Exceeding 50 TiB/Month $0.1216 per GB
Data Ingress Free
Datasets $0.01 per 1,000 datasets per Month

Example: 10 million entities with geo-location would require 5 triples per entity, or 50 million triples. This would cost $1.275 to generate. Assuming 400 bytes per entity (80 ASCII characters per triple), storing the resulting dataset (about 3.75 GB) would cost $0.30 per month. Each download would cost $0.50. The total cost, with one download, would be $2.08.


Running Agents  
First 1 Million Agents/Month $0.42 per 1000 Agents/Month
Exceeding 1 Million Agents/Month $0.34 per 1000 Agents/Month

Example: 100,000 agents running for 12 hours would be equivalent to 1666.67 agents running for an entire month (720 hours). This would cost $0.70.

  1. One month is equivalent to 720 hours.